

In case you’re interested in the secret life of photographers, or are in the process of researching about a new career, this article is for you…

Here’s just some of the dirt:

  • We need lots of education. Either we have a degree or not, there’s tons of things to know before you become a photographer and after you seriously start your career. Software is constantly updating. There’s new techniques and trends that we have to keep up to. There’s always new equipment and all this has a learning curve. We need to learn about business, administration, accounting, human relations, customer service and time management. Some of this education is free but some is not and workshops goo all the way up to $10,000.
  • We have to be constantly upgrading our equipment. Depending on the niche of photography or video we decide to focus on, equipment is different, and as our experience and prices increase, so does the quality of the equipment we use, that is going to allow for better quality video and stills and to achieve a higher status within the industry.
  • Clients and work don’t grow on our trees, so we have to be constantly marketing ourselves, creating networking connections, posting on social media, going to promotional events, etc etc. We have to be constantly promoting our business before at some point, mouth to mouth is enough. You have to have a monthly and yearly goal and try to achieve them to make sure the business grows.
  • We have to decide when the right time to hire help is. When you start, even if you have the support of family and friends, and if you become part of some photography communities, you are still doing it alone. As your business grows, you have to know when and who to hire, that will take your business to the next level. If this is not done correctly, it becomes a loss for you, a loss of time, a loss of money.
  • Keeping our online presence up to date: our webpage, blog postings, social media and/or email inquiry replies. We had to start a blog so our page stays active for SEO purposes and to allow possible clients to know more about our character. And as we get known, more people are going to be contacting us through all the online channels.
  • Your friends and family will potentially count on you to “bring your camera” to family events. This is not a struggle in and of itself, but if you are a very busy photographer, having your family ask you about the pictures or video of the event can add a little more stress than you need. You also most likely won’t be in any of the pictures and will potentially not enjoy the event to the fullest. Be more aware of this and make sure you explain the timeline for the photo delivery and you will have a better time.
  • At the beginning, most of us tend to compare ourselves to others in the industry and doubt if this is the path for us. This is natural and common, but with practice and persistence, you will organically grow and you will get out of this habit and find your own voice within the industry. You will perfect your craft, find your niche, and realize if this life is what you thought it would be.

Do you know of other struggles? Let me know in the comments.

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