

This is easier said than done, believe me! As creatives, we start this path with lots of questions and doubts, and in this rushed world, we feel the pressure of being “successful” so we can support ourselves with our passion. Remember, there’s always someone that started before you, or their circumstances are different from yours (financial support, more time, etc)

I tell you, IT IS INEVITABLE TO COMPARE OURSELVES TO OTHERS at any point of our career, so here are some things you can do when this happens in your mind and it makes you feel you’re not good enough:

  • Shift your focus and use others’ work as inspiration instead. Check their website and social media to see what they are doing and maybe try to replicate as practice. You’ll figure out tricks to do what they are doing and will get better in the process.
  • Read their stories of success and all they had to do to get where they are now. You’ll see how we all have our struggles to get to that point of our careers.
  • Continue learning your craft and maybe try out other techniques until you find your unique style (we all have one). 
  • Remember to be kind and patient with yourself and with others. Don’t criticize yourself or give unsolicited advice to other artists as you grow and become more successful. Remember this can crush someone’s dream, the same way it can crush your own dream.
  • It is proven that consistent practice makes you better at anything you do. Don’t give up so quickly.
  • Train yourself in the business aspect of art or find someone who can support you with contracts, administration, accounting, marketing and promotion. The fastest way to grow is to get the world to know you and find clients who can connect with your style.

Basically, shift your focus and do what “the successful ones” are doing. The world has millions of people and there’s room for all of us to succeed.

And as my last but not least important suggestion, prepare for success. Be open to being seen by many people (which means more clients, but also maybe more critique). Some people feel overwhelmed or don’t know how to handle sudden success. Visualize this happening from the beginning and get used to the feeling so you’ll be more comfortable when the moment comes to have so much work that you might have to reject some projects.

Thank you for being part of the creative community, and if you are reading this article, it is because you are trying to make your passion your career. Good luck! Remember to share your comments!

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